What Are You?


Glad you asked.

MixedLife strives to be a space where all mixed identifying folx of color, no matter race, ethnicity, or walk of life - can read, absorb, and most importantly explore their individual mixed identity. We are a safe space but above all a growth space and hope that our readers can discover new viewpoints, insights about their own identities, and the validation that the questions they ask themselves are ones that other mixed folx are also asking. If you are mixed identifying and read or see something you don’t agree with on this site, we urge you to comment, email us, or slide into our DM’s. Our response will always be the same- “Fantastic to hear another opinion - want to write about it on the site?” Our team approaches content curation with a strong consideration of personal bias. We do not want to be the person standing on the soap box but rather the soap box itself. Our goal is to create more conversations about the mixed identity, a growth space for mixed folx, and a reservoir of content from mixed creators around the globe. We can’t tell you what being mixed is- we need you to tell us.