The Idea Of Freedom- A Speech By Ariana Bishop

The Legal Definition of freedom. 1 : the quality or state of being free: as. a : the absence of necessity, or constraint in choice or action. b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another. c : the quality or state of being exempt or released from something onerous. d : unrestricted use. e : ease, facility. f : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken. g : improper familiarity. h: boldness of conception or execution. 2. a: a political right. b: franchise, privilege Freedom. 

To be frank. 

To be bold.  

To be free. 

But to be free from what? 

The roots of the people like the roots of a tree grow deep into the ground. They hold

secrets and some never to be found. The roots of the tree have the freedom to grow

whichever way it would like below the surface of the earth— The roots of the people do

not have that freedom, that free space. Because the definition of freedom does not have

a common ground for any living thing nor does it for the human race.

The slave and the modern black men and women do not share the same definition of

freedom. Yet as I revert back to the roots of man, the modern black men and women

are fighting for the freedom to not have to ask for any form of freedom anymore.  

Freedom of Speech. One can say anything they want to. No consequence expected.

But with that we start to question— Does freedom have limitations? What are the limits

to freedom? Or are there any at all? Because if you limit freedom, doesn’t that

extinguish the universal meaning of free? 

To be free—

is not to be under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one


The freedom of religion was almost taken away this year. By the man who shall not be

named. He’s done more than that, but I’d rather not play his game. 

If freedom is a constitutional right then, why is it always so hard for us to get it correct? 

Have we tired? Have we really tried? 

Of course, we have, we have movements to prove but does that even matter when the

people who oppose those movement do nothing but snicker in our face. 

This is not a war 

This is not a race 

This is more than a crave

It’s a need 

It’s the correct way to behave 

Let people be 

Let them be free 

Let women have the freedom do what they please 

Let black people be able to do what they need and not to feel as if they have to take a

knee just simply to succeed. 

Let Muslims have their freedom of religion 

Again, let them be

If freedom is a constitutional right

Why is so hard to obey 

Many people have no problem screaming gun rights everyday 

But when someone touches the first amendment, no one seems to care,

it’s not fair.

The first amendment states

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting

the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or

the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a

redress of grievances.

This is the contemporary assertion of freedom today. Though it seems simple, it is just a

few words, it becomes the argument for many things. Because we don’t know our

natural limitations. Do we, as human beings, not have a moral dictionary? Do we not

have a little voice in our heads telling us not to be a jerk?

We must learn how to become civil and accepting of each other. We must be together

to succeed. We can’t truly from a community in which all of us accept each other if we

can’t truly open our hearts to on and another. Like Barbara Jordan said “There is no

executions I’ve ordered; there is no law that can require the American people to form a

national community. This we must do as individuals”

Freedom comes with equality,

I believe they go hand in hand negatively and positively

Will and Ariel Durant say in The Lessons of History, “freedom and equality are sworn

and everlasting enemies, and when one prevails the other dies.”

But Paul Spicker says “Although the individual concept of freedom is restrictive, equal treatment

and equality of opportunity are largely compatible with it, and even equality of outcome can be

reconciled with it to some degree”

It will never be a one or another situation, it hasn’t been, even in opinions.

Now as I come to an end in this speech I’d like to leave you with this question I’m sure

one of you will ask me

What is freedom to you ?