Sky - Piece by Lucie Hafteck
The hum of an airplane engine starts,
Almost a vibration of sorts, within me
Singing slowly to announce
The start of a journey.
The humming slowly gets louder,
Now roaring
As I feel myself lifted up,
Ascending into the wisps of white streaking across
The immense stretch of light blue
The friendly blue that will soon blossom into a multitude of
Purples, pinks, and oranges
As the glowing orb of yellow benignantly wavers a last goodbye,
Leisurely receding past the horizon.
Then it all turns black-
A familiar darkness snakes itself around tail,
Then drips down the milky white wings
It splatters and spills down the body
Until the entire aircraft
Is snugly enveloped in inky blackness
I am.
I simply exist, for
There are no labels to the sky
There are no boundaries or borders-
I go as I please in the stillness of the atmosphere
The borders stay down there,
Under me,
And I am above them.
I am above the definitions and restraints,
And free.